Sunday, January 28, 2007

Bedrest Benefits

It's been a nice and calm couple days here on the homestead. My contractions seem to have stopped and the stress level is going way down. We're starting to get into a routine - get up, take a shower (optional), eat breakfast, wait for Bea to start kicking as the breakfast gets to her, lay on the couch, eat lunch, wait for Bea to kick, lay on the other couch, etc. I think the dog is a little confused about why we're here every day, though - I get the impression that he is wondering if we'll ever leave so HE can sleep on the couch again.

Today was a truly banner day because CompUSA finally (after JUST five days) finished my computer. Of course, Matt had to go there and stand there for a couple hours to make them do it, but in the end it got done. So, tomorrow, I will be an emailing fool.

After several days of bedrest, I'm starting to see why it gets a bad rap. However, there are some good parts. Here is my current top 10 list of Bedrest Benefits (in no particular order)... I reserve the right to change it later.

10. Don't have to empty the dishwasher, and have a real excuse for not doing the laundry (instead of just avoiding it).
9. Matt has to walk the dog when it's below zero... every time!
8. Get to watch family members enjoy household treasure hunts for things like my slippers.
7. Get new and interesting hairstyles from laying on my side all day.
6. Don't need the alarm clock.
5. Family and friends cook amazingly yummy things and bring them over. (It's even more convenient then Let's Dish!.)
4. Biggest daily dilemma is: Oprah or Ellen.
3. Have an accurate count of cobwebs in each room that has a couch or bed.
2. Accomplish tasks that would have never been done otherwise (Mom and I actually hemmed the living and dining room curtains today - no lie! If not for bedrest, I probably would still be putting that off after Bea left for college.)
1. Get to wear sexy circulation socks all day.

Ok, that's all for now. Hope you are all well. Now that I have the computer, I will keep updating this more often.

Love, Melissa/Missy


Anonymous said...

You make this bedrest event sound way to good! I am glad that Mom is helping and having lots of fun while cooking, cleaning and hemming.
I (Denise) do remember lots of bed rest after back surgery but I got to take lots of drugs and slept through most of the boring times. It is so wonderful that Bea is doing so well and that she is so very active. I think of you everyday and one day soon I will call and talk to you. Don't want to wake you or call when you are doing something interesting like watching TV. Dr. Phil isn't too bad either. I have all the current shows down pat as well! Will talk soon, Love Always Brian and Denise

hales02 said...

Melissa & Bea - so glad you are at home and enjoying the benefits of couch time! (Sounds a bit like unemployment - minus the sexy circulation socks!!!) Welcome back to you and Matt. We have all been thinking of you; trust me - your story has served as inspiration to many. Thanks for keeping us posted. Hugs and prayers to Bea - keep on dancin', girl!

Nicole Netland said...

I have a few pairs of circulation socks I would love to pass on :) Or maybe, Ben would love me to pass them on ;) Fun stuff! Thanks for sharing.