Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Tuesday February 27th

One of the first days after we checked into the hospital in Minneapolis Melissa's mom (Liz) mentioned that it would be nice if we could make it until today which is Melissa's grandfather's birthday. Neither Melissa or I thought anything about it because it seemed so impossible and unlikely to make it this far, but apparently Melissa filed away the date in the back of her head with a little glimmer of hope. While tomorrow is the big 27th week day today is more symbolic to Melissa because it's really 27 on the 27th on her grandpa's birthday.

Tonight is also the first night I haven't stayed at the hospital. I have to be up early in the morning for work, Melissa's doing really well so there's less urgency to be with her all of the time, and it's most important that she sleeps well. I would have woken her up by getting up early and there's simply no need for that right now.

It'll be really weird sleeping in our own bed, and sleeping in the bed alone. Our dog Bullet is very much wondering what I'm doing hanging around so late and he'll be really confused when I sleep here tonight, and don't sleep here tomorrow night.

All is well in Minneapolis tonight.

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