Thursday, March 15, 2007

Neuroses, Minutiae, and More!

Hola, it’s Melissa. I’m not sure exactly when this blog will be posted, but by the time you read this I will have been in the hospital for at least 33 days. One day for every year of my life and approximately one day for every pound I’ve gained during this pregnancy.
(OK, if you’ve visited, you know it’s really more than 33 pounds. Humor me.)

It really doesn’t seem like 33 days. Contrary to popular belief, days go fairly quickly. I thought I’d set the record straight with an exciting expose on hospital bed rest from the inside. I was going to start with midnight and describe my day (just like “24” without Kiefer Sutherland). I thought it’d be full of action and intrigue, until I started writing and realized it really was incredibly boring. So here’s a summary:

Sleep. Pee. Eat. Pee. Monitor baby/contractions. Pee. Obsess over baby’s health/possible signs of infection. Detail new-found signs of infection to medical personnel. Pee. Read book/do soduku/do crafts/listen to Ipod. Pee. Visit with Mom/Matt. Pee. Obsess. Eat. Repeat several times. Sprinkle in occasional phone calls, visits, massages, ultrasounds, and wheelchair rides.

See. It’s non-stop action around here.

Baby Bea sends her love. She seems to be sleeping more as she gets bigger. However, she still kicks the monitors, and now that she’s accustomed to the schedule here, she does gymnastics 15 minutes before every mealtime or anticipated snack. I try to use her preoccupation for food to my advantage - telling her if she does well on the monitor, she’ll get pancakes, etc., etc. Little does she know, she’ll get the eats anyway because Mama wants them as much as she does. Sly, eh?

Well, that’s all for now – I need to get back to my hectic pee-eat-obsess schedule. Love, Melissa

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Melissa! It's so fun that you are into Suduko! Isn't it addicting?! I cannot believe it has been 33 sure has flown by.
Miss you!