Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Tuesday March 6th

We had a real good ultrasound today. Bea has put on exactly a pound of weight in three weeks to rise to 2 lb 9 oz. There is a larger error associated with this weight of +/- 5 oz (for those stat geeks out there like me). So she's tracking at the 50% if not above in regards to weight. She also had signficantly more fluid than the last ultrasound so we were all encouraged about that.

They didn't see any problems at all. They moved the ultrasound so we could get a good view of her face. When we did that she started moving her jaw and mouth up and down like she was talking or eating, it was pretty cool. The hospital staff are always pushing and prodding Melissa and Bea with stuff. My favorite quote of the day was when one of the staff was pushing Melissa's belly asking if anything was sore, Melissa replied back it's not any more sore than you would expect when somebody was pushing your belly.


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear everything is going well and Bea is gaining more weight thats great news. You three take care yourself and continue prayers that everything goes well
Fox River Mall Staff

Anonymous said...

Hi Ruble Three,
It's been over a week since we've read the blog and soooo nice to hear that things are going so well. I think you two better get some rest while you can. From the sounds of your daughter's antics, I think you're going to be sleep deprived for about the next 18 years! Great news.

Anonymous said...

Messge from Denise,

Whow! That news is great! I weighed 2 lbs. 9 ozs. when I was born way back in 1948. The chances of making it were really slim to none. I think little Bea is going to be just fine and she will give you a run for your money one day soon. O.K. you didn't make Brian's birthday today for delivery. The next persons date is what? I know Kim is April 9th or maybe she will be a Easter Bunny on April 8th. Glad everything is going well, LOVE, Denise