Sunday, March 18, 2007

Melissa is out of the tournament?

After a good monitoring this morning for both Bea and Melissa, it looks like Melissa's bubble has burst and she'll be out of the birth date pool. She picked today for her birth date and it looks like that's not going to happen. So she apparently doesn't get Bea's first picture. I've got the 31st and am looking pretty solid right now.

Melissa's mom has put both the number of days Melissa's spent in the hospital and the maximum number of days she could stay (if she goes all the way to April 18th) on the daily calendar in the hospital room. Thursday was the potential half way mark with 34 days in and 34 days to go. If she goes to April I'll probably have to print her directions to our house, instructions on how to drive a stick, and tell her where everything is supposed to go in our cupboards. Okay the last one was a little inside joke. I don't know what's in half of our cupboards. I'm a simple dish guy. Plates, bowls, basic silverware, simple glasses and a few (glass) containers for the microwave. What else do you need?

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