Friday, March 9, 2007

Friday March 9th

Melissa built up some nice pockets of fluid in the womb a few days ago, it was a nice gradual built up. However it appears she's too full because she's been leaking again the last 24 hours. It's a little diappointing because it's obviously better to have fluid then not to have fluid, but the doctors weren't worried at all about it before and they're not going to be worried about it now.

I haven't been feeling 100% all week. Not sick but not perfect either. Being sick has been my biggest anxiety - that I won't be able to be around Melissa and Bea when they need me especially during delivery and immediately after. I've been regularly taking vitamin C defense drops, drinking extra fluids, wearing extra clothing to stay warm and even putting on a few pounds to help stay warm too. I tend to get cold really quickly. As a result I haven't stayed overnight at the hospital since Monday night and have only visited the hospital on Wednesday night for the 28th week taco bell celebration. I'm guessing with the extra anxiety I'm a little more susceptible to viruses right now. Sleeping isn't the same either. You can't sleep great at the hospital but you can't sleep great at home because your other half is stuck at the hospital and you just can't feel real comfortable with that. Having the opportunity to sleep in your bed at room but not being able to truely enjoy it is a big tease. It's like being (truely) sick and staying home from school - you just can't enjoy it.

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