Wednesday, March 7, 2007

28 Weeks!

Well we made it to this significant milestone and it's been a pretty busy day. Melissa passed her gestational diabetes test this morning and ingesting all of that sugar made her pretty queasy all morning and into the afternoon.

Then she had her weekly floor meeting with the other prego's. Melissa is the senior ranking person on the floor at 25 days and the runner up was at 8 days. There were several other people like Melissa with water ruptures and a woman with....sextuplets! She was only at nine weeks but she was in for a couple of weeks to get carbohydrate and fat IV's because she wasn't gaining weight fast enough. Melissa said she had a big metal plate like thing on her upper arm where the IV's went. I think she was 26 and from St. Louis Park (MN). After she fattens up they'll send her home for a while and then she'll probably be back for more feeding. The doctors are hoping she gets to 23 weeks (but she's hoping for 30 weeks). Yikes! Melissa said the whole room got quiet when she said she had sextuplets. Just when you think you've been dealt a bad hand you find someone else who shows you that you've got nothing to complain about. Let's all have a prayer for the woman from St. Lous Park and her sextuplets. They really, really need it. Jeepers.

Another woman was from western North Dakota and she's doing all right but because she's from such a remote place they've checked her in so she can get good medical attention. I don't know if there's something special for her - such as if she's having multiples, that she's in town here.

Our celebratory 28 week dinner was from Taco Bell! Then we slammed home some high sugar brownies for good measure. Bea celebrated by giving her biggest monitoring fit of possibly the month. It took 1 1/2 hours with nearly constant nurse attention to get 15-20 minutes of good monitoring. She just would not sit still.

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