Saturday, March 17, 2007

Covert Computer Takeover

Hello there!

It's Melissa, Dick, and Liz (that's Mom & Dad). We're on a wheelchair ride in the hospital and we found this computer, just sitting here... unoccupied. I think it's really for patients of the heart hospital, but I'm a patient and I have a heart...

Anyway Matt is going to be real surpirsed when he sees this post. He abandoned us to go party it up in St. Paul for St. Patrick's Day. He said he was taking clients to see the Gopher hockey game, but we suspect he is really going to be drinking green beer. Just kidding. I think he's actually the designated driver, and he's with his boss.

Things are going fairly well today. Nothing really new to report. Bea monitored ok, Mom beat Dad and I in cards. Matt's parents stopped by to visit today, too.

Well, Mom and I are Irish. I guess that makes Bea a bit Irish, too. Although she's also German, Swedish, Scottish, Welsh... She's a real mutt, but we love her anyway. So, have a Happy Patty's Day. We'll consider ourselves "lucky" that Bea probably won't be born today! :)

By the way, we have a baby pool going for the day of Bea's birth. If you'd like to pick a day, you can email it to me/Matt (goes to Matt either way) or post it here. You won't win anything of monetary value, but we will send Bea's first baby picture to you first. (Big prize.) Here's a hint, though: The last day they will let me deliver is April 18, so don't pick a day after that.

Ok, see you later. Better escape before the hospital police catch us at it. (Actually the security guard just said "hello" to us... I guess we're not as bad as we think we are!)

Bye for now,
Melissa, Liz, Dick, and Bea

p.s. The heart hospital is very pretty. Brand new. You should visit sometime.


seahorsemama said...

Happy St. Patty's Day, hopefully the food they serve you isn't "too" green. My vote for the birthdate is April 11th, since that is my birthday! Let's hope she stays in till then!

Anonymous said...

Hi from Denise. Happy St. Patrick Day. Nicholas thought it was Patrick day from Spongebob show. I vote for the Easter Bunny Baby like Bunny Bea on April 8th. Nice talking to you last week. Love, Denise

Anonymous said...

Top of the evenin' to ya', all those of Irish descent. Oh, this is exciting to pick a birthday for Bea. I'm going for Friday, April 13. Yes, Friday the 13th...just to prove she can beat all those bad odds. Actually, it's my birthday too. I wasn't born on a Friday but I did celebrate my 13th birthday on a Friday. Pretty scarey to some, but pretty unique, something to talk about when superstitious people start rambling. We're so happy you and Bea have made it this far. She must be very content. You've given her a "fun" space to grow and dance around in. Talk to Bea and tell her to get big and strong now. Her audience can wait a bit longer for her entrance. Mom Wagner

hypnop said...

I will go for the long shot, April 17th - it's my daugher Eve's birthday.

Anonymous said...

Glad everything is going well for you guys. I'll get in on this baby pool and say April 9th.Take care

Anonymous said...

Hi Missy! I am so glad to hear that things are going well and baby Bea has decided to stay "inside" for a bit longer. My vote is for April 9th - my birthday. I think diamond would be a great birthstone for your precious little girl!
Say hi to your mom for me.