Wednesday, March 28, 2007

31 Weeks!

Boom. Another week has passed. Bea took the day off. She monitored poorly in the morning and required a second monitoring late morning to confirm she was just sloughing off the first time. Then the evening monitoring she decided to really lower her heart rate a couple of times which scared Mom a lot. Mom in turn called Dad and asked when he was coming over and ended up scaring him too. Thankfully when Dad arrived he saw that there were no monitors on at the nurse's station which meant naughty Bea finally shaped up and did a normal heart beat.

We're now hanging out in the heart hospital again after wheeling through a little art sale-fundraiser in one of the lobbies. It was nice to see different scenery (literally) after almost seven weeks here.

The doctor who saw Melissa today was the same doctor who checked us in (nearly seven weeks ago). He said he and everyone else can't believe Melissa's still pregnant. Now they want us to get to 32 weeks. That's only about 15 percent longer than we've been here.

Today in the group session the other pregnant women asked if Melissa had seen all of the movies in the collection. Melissa responded that no, she figured out right away that she would have to watch 5 movies a day for 40 days to get through them all -- but wait, she has been here for 40 days! Matt questions whether Melissa has seen 200 movies in her lifetime. She's not a big tv/movie watcher. She may have seen Sound of Music 200 times, but we're not counting the reruns.


Anonymous said...

Hey Missy and Matt,
It is so nice to hear that you are now at 31 weeks. Can you believe you made it this far?! Well, I would like to join the pool. If it is not already taken I would like to sign up for Friday April 6th. And if it is taken then I will narrow it down to Friday the 6th at 1:15 pm. Just to let you know I have been trying to call you this week (4 times to be exact) and each time either no answer or a busy signal. I hope that means you are keeping yourself occupied. Good luck with everything and have a good 31 week dinner. What did that 31 week dinner consist of? I am all about the food lately. My appetite has really come along. I have noticed the baby really likes cake. When I eat that it takes no time and the baby is doing spins in the belly. Well, I will try you again tomorrow and until then rest good.

Love ya,
Kelly and Jamie

Anonymous said...

31 weeks? You go, girl!

We're rooting for 32 weeks plus, and looking forward to the day your little family is home with Bullet and all is well.

x/o from Brenda, Dan, and Claire