Thursday, April 5, 2007

Induction Begins

They've started giving Melissa induction drugs. She was moved from her old room into a room on a birthing wing at 7 am. So her old telephone number doesn't work.

The doctors indicated that nothing will happen for a while, a quick afternoon delivery is unlikely. It's more likely things could go on for a day or two before delivery. If at 5 pm she isn't into active labor, they might shut off the drugs for the night and start again tomorrow morning. So this phase of waiting continues. They won't give her any intensive induction drugs as they're in no rush, so they're giving her milder drugs that react more slowly.

Maybe the most unusal and shocking thing this morning was seeing Melissa out of her room! Eight weeks in the same place. That was much more shocking to me than the fact that we're going to try to start labor and Bea's going to come out soon. That reality is just now slowly beginning and the waiting is going to be pretty annoying.

Melissa didn't sleep well last night, so I didn't either. She took some sleep pills at 3 am and was able to get a few hours of sleep before they transferred her into a new room/floor. She's still groggy so she's trying to get a little more sleep if she can.

More action packed suspense and drama to follow.


Anonymous said...

Melissa and Matt,

Every morning when I get in to work the first thing I do is read your blog to check in on Baby Bea. I'm thrilled to hear she'll be out in the world in a few short days (or sooner!)!! We're so excited to welcome her! Wishing you the very best labor and delivery, Melissa and Matt. Be well.

Mary Callahan
(Matt's mom's cousin's daughter) :)

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh -- this is so exciting! Baby Bea is on her way! I started my day all grumpy about work things, then read your blog which immediately lifted my spirits and put all that grumbly stuff into perspective. Stay well and know you have hundreds of people out here rooting for you!

Much love -- Jennifer & Rich

hales02 said...

Best of luck! I can't believe you are going to get to meet your little girl! Stay strong, well and know we are all thinking of you~
Hugs - Haley