Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Half-way through August? Really!?

Wow, the last few weeks have just flown by! Matt is busy studying for his final this week, so I thought I'd put up a quick post.

We are putting our house on the market this week, so we've been busy cleaning and reorganizing. We've only been here five years, but I'm such a packrat, we've got a lot of stuff. And, that baby stuff takes up quite a bit of room, too. We are actually still pretty conflicted about selling our house... so we decided to leave it to fate. If we get a good offer by the holidays, we'll move. If not, we'll probably stay.

Bea is doing well. Her vocabularly is really growing:
- She's got "yes" and "no" down pat -- complete with head motions.
- She knows "up" (Bup!) and "down" (dowww)
- She can now point out (with about 70% accuracy) her mouth (mow), nose (NOOOO), eyes (eyezz), ears (ewaz), hair (hwair), and belly (bwell). We're working on the other body parts.
- She can say "red", "geeeeen", "pwuple", and "boo" -- but doesn't quite get the concept of colors yet.
- She is still obsessed with her shoes (Sues) and socks (SSSSocks).
- She likes to point out trees (Tee!!), birds (burr), and flowers (Ffffowuh)...
- She has lots of animals noises -- she does a great horse, sheep, chicken, and dog
- Some days she says "Accum!" for vaccuum because she's terrified of it!
- She also knows all of her classmates' and teachers' names at school
- And, finally, she now says "Mama" and "Dada" regularly and means us! She also says "grahmma" and "guhpa"... if you listen closely

She's becoming a big girl in a lot of other ways, too. She graduated from her high chair to a booster chair. She knows how to turn the stereo on and off (and starts dancing before she ever hears the music). She's even starting to transition into the toddler room at day care.

Along with her new toddler status, she's been having toddler-size accidents. I think it's pretty normal for a 16-month-old, but she is coming home with accident reports all the time from school and does the craziest things at home, too. She runs into walls, trips on toys, knocks her head, etc. It's terrible when she has little bruises and scratches, but we know it is inevitable, because she really moves fast... and doesn't really look where she's going.

This weekend, Bea is going on her first overnight trip with Grandma Pat and Grandpa Steve in Princeton, while Matt and I go to Chicago for a wedding. I think Matt and I are looking forward to the sleep as much as the wedding! haha.

Hope you are well,

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