Sunday, May 11, 2008

She Scoots, She Crawls!

Hello to everyone and Happy Mothers' Day! Since we last posted, Bea has hit a very important milestone - she figured out how to crawl. She is now all over the place and particularly likes to antagonize the dog and the house plants. She is also becoming an actress... once she crawls close enough to any person she thinks will pick her up, she does a bellyflop (on purpose) and and lays on the floor "crying" (eh-heh, eh-heh, eh-heeeeeh). Then she peaks up to see if the intended target adult is looking. She has several other attention ploys, too. Lovely.

Although crawling is good, she REALLY likes to walk with people holding her hands. We do it until our backs give out. Luckily this weekend, we saw lots of both sets of grandparents, so there were more people to take turns.

Bea has also had many new culinary experiences, because she is eating alot more grown-up food now. Two of the highlights include yesterday when she had taco meat (mildly spicy). She took a bite and shivered all over. Then she tried to get her hands in the rest of the pan!! She loved it. Today, she had a few bites of Mom's special Mothers' Day Blizzard. She liked that a lot, too. She was a bit surprised by the coldness, but then was so intent on having more that Daddy had to distract her. That will teach me to wait until the end before I give her a taste of something good!

Today was my second Mothers' Day, so I'm an old veteran. I'll post a picture, but I have to get it from Grandma Liz. I hope everyone is well!

Enjoy Spring!

1 comment:

seahorsemama said...

Sounds like Bea is on the same track the Jackson was on...crawl, but loves to walk with people better. I remember the sore back oh so well. You can try to give her the handle to a broom or mop and walk her around with that, much easier on the back and she'll think she is helping you out!
Happy Belated Mother's Day and looking forward to seeing you all soon!