Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Our sweet little baby... has stuff oozing from every possible orifice.

Miss Bea is getting a bunch of teeth, and because of it she has the following: especially severe drooling, an extremely snotty nose, diarrhea, a nasty rash on her face, and best of all, a big welted infection on her cheek (the doctor had to lance it to let the puss out). On top of that she's sneezing, coughing, and just plain ornery -- who wouldn't be?

Now, I've had a 100 lb dog for many years and he has done some pretty gross stuff, but this ranks right up there in the top 10. Yuckers.

Funniest part is that Bea (who already has bottom teeth) is getting her eye teeth next - so I think she'll temporarily look a bit like Dracula. She won't be vampire-like for long, though, because we can also see her front teeth coming down the pike.

Lovely, eh? Don't worry, we won't post any pictures.

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