Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Quick Update

Hi All! I know we've been remiss about updating our blog - it's been a bit busy around here. Not sure exactly what we're doing with our time, but there sure doesn't seem to be enough of it! Mostly, we just eat, pump, and sleep. We've even had round-the-clock grandparent help and we're still barely keeping up - but that's the way it's supposed to be, I think.

Miss Beatrice is doing really well. Last week she gained an entire pound!! That puts her over six pounds. (She gained 1/6th of her body weight - glad I can't do that!) She is starting to get little pudgy cheeks, rolls around her thighs, and the hint of a double chin - just like normal babies! In addition, she is doing much better about keeping her body temperature up. Each day we've been going down a layer of clothes, until yesterday (when it was 90 degrees here) she was just in a short-sleeved onesie. It made her look like such a big girl. Today, she's back to long sleeves, of course. She is changing so much that she hardly looks like the same baby already!

In addition, Bea has discovered her hands. She waves them in front of her face for hours. And, in the last couple days she has discovered that she can put them in her mouth at any time. It's pretty funny to see her try to coordinate the hand-in-mouth activities -- sometimes those fingers wind up by her nose or eyes instead.

Unfortunately (for Mom and Dad), Bea most likes to play from about 10:00 p.m. -2:00 a.m. So, sleep has become even more of a factor. I didn't know preemie babies (or month old babies of any kind) could stay awake for four hours straight - but they can.

My first Mother's Day was fun - it is very weird to have everyone saying "Happy Mothers' Day" to me! Who me? Despite the little girl hanging around the house, it really hasn't set in that I'm somebody's mommy. Ironically, Matt and I actually left Bea for the longest time since we lest the hospital on Mothers' Day to go to our neice's baptism. Grandma and Grandpa baby sat, though, so it was cool.

Alright, got to get back to action. We've got some new pictures of Bea that I will post soon and I will work on my "Birth Day" memories, too.

More soon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update! Yes, "Happy Mother's Day" to you!
