Happy Thanksgiving. Ok, so considering it's almost New Year, that's kind of fake, but I sincerely hope you had a happy holiday.
If I had written a blog in November, I would have told you it was a very busy time for us -- Matt's sister, Karyn, got married on Thanksgiving weekend and Matt had finals for his MBA class. So we had much to do.
Karyn's wedding was beautiful. Conducted in Spanish and English, it was very unique and fun. I don't have alot of pictures from the wedding, but here are a couple good ones:

Here are Bea, Sadie, and me on the dance floor. The girls had a great time groovin' to music and lights. (Bea is in the white dress.) Jorge, our stunning groom, is in the background.

This is a picture of Matt's dad, Matt, and the girls. Bea spent the entire dinner yelling, "Hi Grandpa" (to Matt's dad) and "Hi Cots" to Matt's cousin Scott (who was staying with us and became Bea's new best bud). Matt and I were at the head table, and my parents were watching Bea, so we could blissfully ignore all of it. :)

And, here's the bride with her mom and her sister. (I just thought everyone likes to see a picture of the bride.)
In November, Bea also had some pictures taken at Babies 'R Us. They actually do a pretty good job there.

The photographer tried to give Bea one of those snowballs (made of fleece) to hold in the picture, but she kept throwing it at the photographer. The girl knows what to do with a ball -- she's got quite an arm and pretty good aim.

Well, that's about all I remember in November... it was a long time ago.
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