We hardly had time to relax after Karyn's wedding, when Matt's Grandma Hazel broke her hip. Then, in the same week, my Grandma Marcie died (she was my Dad's mom). We had been planning to go home for a visit to Appleton anyway, but we got an entirely different kind of trip. On the good side, we got to see our relatives from far and near on that side of the family. Bea even got to meet some of her cousins, Isaac and Logan. Grandma had a lovely funeral and we are all happy that her suffering is over.
One funny story was that after spending four hours at the funeral home for the visitation, we had a short service. I asked Matt, who was going to be holding Bea, to sit closest to the door, in case Bea got noisy. I wound up sitting a row back. Sure enough, we weren't seated for more then 15 seconds before Bea went into all-out tantrum mode. So, Matt was trying to get up with Bea, a sippy cup, and toys while trying to get the door open. Eventually Matt (struggling) was holding Bea horizontal, with her head sticking out on one side of him and her little feet kicking out on the other side. Just as Matt got the door open, Bea realized that the whole room full of people was looking at her. She put on her best smile, waved, and said, "bye-bye!!" as she was carted out the door. Grandma would have thought it was pretty funny.
Bea spent a lot of the weekend in Appleton getting to know my mom's side of the family, too. She spent lots of time at Aunt Diane's house -- which was super fun because Diane has TONS of toys, had presents galore for Bea, and there was even a playmate -- Bea's cousin, Gwen. (Gwen is actually the daughter of my cousin, Kelly.) Gwen and Bea are only a couple months different in age and they had a great time together as you can see. Bea is still saying "Gwen?" and "Di?"weeks later.
Here are Bea and Gwen "rockin' out" in Aunt Diane's kitchen. Gwen called Bea, "Ba." Bea called Gwen, "Gen." But a good time was had by all. Bea and Gwen liked to ride together in the little red car you can see in the upper left of the picture. It's really only made for one kid, but they'd squeeze in together -- with limbs hanging out of every window.
While in Appleton, we all also went to see all of my Dad's old friends at the Fox River Mall, including Santa (aka, Russ). We're really happy to have the chance to see such a great Santa again this year. Bea didn't really get the concept of Santa bringing presents, etc., but she definitely knows what Santa looks like and points him out at every opportunity.
Before I forget, I would like to publically congratulate my cousins Kelly and Angela who are both expecting new babies! More friends for Bea and us. Hooray.
- M
1 comment:
What a beautiful little girl you have. What a great miracle in life she has brought to your lives. We so enjoyed visiting with you and playing with Bea. Hope you can come visit us one day over the summer time. Love, Denise, Brian, Molly and Zoe
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