Sunday, December 28, 2008
Hey, We Finally Updated the Blog!!
Merry Christmas and Snow Fun
One of my favorite pictures of all time: Bea and Bullet on Christmas morning. It should have been our Christmas card picture... oh well...
We spent Christmas Eve at our house with my parents. They gave Bea a rocking horse (see below). She likes the horse, but she's still a bit affraid of it -- especially because if you squeeze its ears it whinnys and moves its nose and tail. I think she'll really love it in about a week!
We spent Christmas Day with Matt's family at Karyn and Jorge's house. We were especially happy that Matt's grandma, Hazel, was well enough to join us. Below is a picture of Grandma Pat reading to Bea and her cousin, Sadie.
First, we had our picture taken with the Santa, Rudolph, and sleigh display in front of my parents' house. My parents made these decorations when I was little and have pictures of me with them every year, so this is an important Christmas tradition. Santa's list (which one of the elves is holding) has always had the names of my cousins and childhood friends on it. This year, it got ammended to include Bea, Sadie, Gwen, and others. Here we are with Grandma Liz. I like that Bea isn't even as tall as an elf.
Bye to Grandma, a Visit to Appleton, and SANTA
We hardly had time to relax after Karyn's wedding, when Matt's Grandma Hazel broke her hip. Then, in the same week, my Grandma Marcie died (she was my Dad's mom). We had been planning to go home for a visit to Appleton anyway, but we got an entirely different kind of trip. On the good side, we got to see our relatives from far and near on that side of the family. Bea even got to meet some of her cousins, Isaac and Logan. Grandma had a lovely funeral and we are all happy that her suffering is over.
One funny story was that after spending four hours at the funeral home for the visitation, we had a short service. I asked Matt, who was going to be holding Bea, to sit closest to the door, in case Bea got noisy. I wound up sitting a row back. Sure enough, we weren't seated for more then 15 seconds before Bea went into all-out tantrum mode. So, Matt was trying to get up with Bea, a sippy cup, and toys while trying to get the door open. Eventually Matt (struggling) was holding Bea horizontal, with her head sticking out on one side of him and her little feet kicking out on the other side. Just as Matt got the door open, Bea realized that the whole room full of people was looking at her. She put on her best smile, waved, and said, "bye-bye!!" as she was carted out the door. Grandma would have thought it was pretty funny.
Bea spent a lot of the weekend in Appleton getting to know my mom's side of the family, too. She spent lots of time at Aunt Diane's house -- which was super fun because Diane has TONS of toys, had presents galore for Bea, and there was even a playmate -- Bea's cousin, Gwen. (Gwen is actually the daughter of my cousin, Kelly.) Gwen and Bea are only a couple months different in age and they had a great time together as you can see. Bea is still saying "Gwen?" and "Di?"weeks later.
Here are Bea and Gwen "rockin' out" in Aunt Diane's kitchen. Gwen called Bea, "Ba." Bea called Gwen, "Gen." But a good time was had by all. Bea and Gwen liked to ride together in the little red car you can see in the upper left of the picture. It's really only made for one kid, but they'd squeeze in together -- with limbs hanging out of every window.
While in Appleton, we all also went to see all of my Dad's old friends at the Fox River Mall, including Santa (aka, Russ). We're really happy to have the chance to see such a great Santa again this year. Bea didn't really get the concept of Santa bringing presents, etc., but she definitely knows what Santa looks like and points him out at every opportunity.
Before I forget, I would like to publically congratulate my cousins Kelly and Angela who are both expecting new babies! More friends for Bea and us. Hooray.
- M
Happy November!!
If I had written a blog in November, I would have told you it was a very busy time for us -- Matt's sister, Karyn, got married on Thanksgiving weekend and Matt had finals for his MBA class. So we had much to do.
Karyn's wedding was beautiful. Conducted in Spanish and English, it was very unique and fun. I don't have alot of pictures from the wedding, but here are a couple good ones:
Friday, October 31, 2008
Trick or Treat!
Halloween is the probably the #1 day of the year to share cute pictures of your kids, and we're no different! Here are a bunch of pictures of Bea in her Halloween finery. As you can tell, she's a Minnesota Gopher cheerleader. (As a consolation to the Wisconsin fans, she still said "Go Bucky!" despite the costume.)
I originally wanted Bea to be something she could say (Dog, Bear, Horse, etc.). Matt and I scoured the city for a decent animal costume that would fit her. We finally settled on a dog costume, but when we brought it home and put Bea in it, she freaked out!! She didn't like it at all, and it scared her when we showed her the mirror. Sooooo... on to plan B. We had the cheerleader outfit at home -- so we just added the pom poms and wha-la... Halloween costume. Daddy was very, very happy.
You can click on the pictures to see them bigger (you can do that to any pic on this blog, actually).
Friday, October 24, 2008
Good News
We had to pay our way to fly to Cincinnati and stay there and we were fortunate we had the means to do so. We were even more fortunate for the excellent care in Minneapolis such that we were put into a high risk pool early on and monitored for just such a complication. Without the quick diagnosis we wouldn't have Bea today, and that's unthinkable as she's become such a part of our lives that we can't imagine not having her around, and it's hard to remember what it was like before her.
Thus I'm very happy for the healthy twin boys and their parents for the opportunity they had locally and that many more families in the upper west will have an quick and affordable opportunity to help save their twins. The television station stated 50 cases of TTTS arise in Minnesota each year, and that excludes families in Wisconsin, Iowa, the Dakota and further outlying states and provinces that have Minneapolis as an option.
This is post became a little harder to write then I first expected, it's harder that Bea is staying with my parents from yesterday (Thursday) until Sunday as Melissa and I are cleaning our house for an open house on Sunday. Thus I can't run up to her room and look in on her or touch her or pick her up and hold her. I don't think I'll share this blog with Melissa until after we pick Bea up on Sunday.
It also makes me think of almost every night this summer when I was sprinkling the lawn for many hours at night in an effort to keep our new sod from drying out. I had a lot of time to look up at the sky and with the very dry summer we had the stars seemed extra magnificent this summer. I would regularly look up at the stars and say hi to Elsa and tell her I miss her and I appreciated her watching over us and especially her sister. It wasn't nearly as sad as it seems and sounds as I write now, because the stars make you feel touched, special and in our case comfortable and happy.
Sometimes I stop and wonder did all that happen last year. Is there really an identical twin to Bea out there somewhere, because that's hard to comprehend. But it did happen and we're very happy for how much Elsa touched us and continues to touch us and we're just as happy for all the joy that Bea brings to us and we channel a little extra love and happiness her way. She's simply such a happy, smiley, giggly baby and she seems to be pretty good physically and mentally and I wonder if some of that is a bit of Elsa coming out through Bea. And probably some of the extra happiness Melissa and I feel these days is Elsa channeling herself to and through us. Now that's a happier thought to end the night on. Night night (as Bea can say now).
Friday, October 17, 2008
Melissa started her first week at a new job last week and Bea started her first week of toddlers at daycare last week. It was a big week for the girls. Both put in some extra energy and are extra tired. I'm in the middle of classes this semester and well Bullet is feeling the anxiety too.
Bea's favorite game with me right now consists of me chasing her, anywhere, but specifically from the kitchen to the family room/bathroom entry way and from the bathroom entry way/family room to the corner of the kitchen. She runs as fast as she can, which is pretty fast these days, with the left arm pumping as fast as it can go and lots of giggling, and even more giggling when I catch her. Repeat. Then repeat, over and over until Daddy is tired or she gets tired and wipes out.
She's picking up on words extremely fast and we need to be very careful with what we say, and eat in front of her. Her doctor asked me if she likes to eat a little of a variety of things. I replied that Bea likes a lot of everything. Lettuce and peaches are so-so, but she eats everything else faster then we can cut it and put it on her plate. More, MORE, MOOOORRRREEEEEE!!!!! with her hands signing (sign language) the word "more" very quickly is also common in our household. Foods with spices particularly mexican/tacos and my mongolian chicken from Leann Chinn last night are favorites. Also any diary product especially cheese. Mama's girl?
Other good news is Bea is blasting up the height and weight charts from around 30% at her 15 month physical to around 60% uncorrected and 70% corrected (for her due date). Her head is stuck at the 95% percentile though. It's really hard to get through the shirts and 2 year old hats are commonly too small.
We're having a blast and are sad summer and our pleasant walks are done for a while. We'll have to find some indoor ways to burn energy.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Bea & Sadie at the Pumpkin Patch: Part 2
If you've been following our blog for awhile, you might remember that last year around this time Bea and her cousin, Sadie, made their first trip to the pumpkin patch/apple orchard (see blog from September 15, 2007). Here's what they looked like then (Bea on the left, Sadie on the right):
The farm has several animals for the kids to pet -- this year the girls actually noticed them. Bea was very excited to meet a "Neigh" in real life.
Here they are partners in crime... Sadie was probably telling Bea how to get bites of hot dog and potato chips without me noticing (that came later in the day). Here's Bea in the orchard -- she really enjoys being outside and she runs pretty fast these days, so you have to keep an eye on her.
Sadie and Bea sample the apples after picking them right off the trees.
Here is Aunt Renee, Sadie, Matt, Bea, and I sitting on the back of the tractor/hay ride wagon. It nearly dumped us off a couple of times on the way to and from the apple trees.
Here's Matt, Bea, and I in the pumpkin patch (well, the pumpkin sales area). We took the pumpkin Bea chose here home. And, yes, we are standing in the same place we were last year.
Here's Renee and Matt on the way out with apples, pumpkins, and tired little girls in the strollers.
Well, that's all for now. Hope you are enjoying the fall. - Melissa
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Summer Round Up
Around here the adults have been quite busy. Matt got an A- in his summer class (hooray!) and started fall semester, Melissa got a real job downtown (yes, seriously), and our house has been on the market for a month. Nobody wants it, though. We only had one family look at it in the first three weeks. Today we had an open house and there were apparently some interested people. We'll see. I think Matt and I are getting tired of the whole thing. But, we figure that even if we don't sell the house, at least we cleaned it super well!
Beatrice is getting to be such a big girl. She has now started stringing words together, like "Bea sit" (when she wants help getting into a chair). She's even starting to go to bed awake. Right now one of us lays on the floor next to her crib until she goes to sleep. We try to pretend to go to sleep and not talk to her. She's taking it pretty well. She whines a little for Matt, and she drops her stuffed animals on me and says "Mama? Maaaaaaama?" before falling over asleep. In a few weeks she's going to move to the toddler room at daycare. And, we're investing in a potty chair.
We're very sad that summer is coming to a close - we've really liked taking Bea and Bullet together for walks in the warm evenings and playing outside. Since I haven't posted pics in awhile, here are a few of our favorite end-of-summer memories.
Matt & Bea mowing the lawn, with Grandma Liz watching from the house -- an instant classic picture.
Here is Bea galloping with a pony she got from Aunt Renee. She's had it forever, but was quite afraid of it for awhile. Now she loves the "NEIGH!" (All things that even remotely resemble a horse are now called "neighs.")
Here is Bea kissing the Neigh. She learned about kisses awhile ago, but she has recently become much more... generous. She kisses anything she likes, she makes us kiss anything she likes, she makes things she like kiss each other (her baby dolls have to kiss the teddy bears, etc.)
She also shares her bottles and food with baby dolls and stuffed animals -- she puts her bottle up to a baby doll's mouth and makes slurping noises for probably a 1/2 hour each day. Bea loves food. Even the daycare staff are in awe at how much she can eat and how fast she can eat it. She likes spicy stuff -- Mexican is by far her favorite, but as you can see, spaghetti is pretty exciting, too. Unfortunately, whenever Bea is really excited (happy or sad) she plays with her hair. So, when she gets food she really likes, it all goes on her head. (And yes, she does actually kiss the food she likes.)
Here's Bea in the back yard playing with Grandpa Dick and Bullet. Bullet is now totally used to Bea. She jumps on him, pulls his tail, pulls his ears, and chases him... he sometimes looks at Matt and I like, "make it stop." But, then a minute later he'll choose to lay right by her. Just like "blood siblings," they're always after each others' stuff. You bring out two balls, one for him and one for her -- and they each go after the ball meant for the other one. You get a treat out for one, you need to get a treat for the other. Actually, with treats, Bea lets you know who gets them. She'll say "Bea," "Dog," "Bea," "Dog." She always mentions herself first, but at least she shares.
Bea likes all dogs actually, Here she is in her favorite doggie pjs, holding her pink polka-dot- doggie in one hand, and a Bullet look-alike refigerator magnet in the other hand.
In the background, you see the big purple ball, which has also been a big hit this summer. One day Bea and I were in Target and saw these balls on sale. I knew it was a hit, when I couldn't keep it in the cart. She kept launching it down the aisles and laughing hysterically.
A few weeks ago, we took Bea to the zoo for the first time. The Minnesota Zoo is quite large and really near to our house, so we bought a year pass. For the first visit, we took Bea to the farm section, because she has a toy farm and knows most of the animals/animal noises. I'm not too sure she really made the correlation between the plastic animals and the real ones, though. Here she is learning to drive a tractor with Dad outside the Zoo barn.
Here we are looking at the cows, which were a little overwhelming for Bea. She kept pointing and whispering "Dog?" Moo is the one animal sound Bea doesn't do particularly well (she says "mmmmm"). So, I was hoping one of the cows would moo. No dice, though. They were all moote. (ba-bum-tsch!)
Well, that's all for now. Talk to you soon..... well, maybe not. Talk to you in a few weeks. :)
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Half-way through August? Really!?
We are putting our house on the market this week, so we've been busy cleaning and reorganizing. We've only been here five years, but I'm such a packrat, we've got a lot of stuff. And, that baby stuff takes up quite a bit of room, too. We are actually still pretty conflicted about selling our house... so we decided to leave it to fate. If we get a good offer by the holidays, we'll move. If not, we'll probably stay.
Bea is doing well. Her vocabularly is really growing:
- She's got "yes" and "no" down pat -- complete with head motions.
- She knows "up" (Bup!) and "down" (dowww)
- She can now point out (with about 70% accuracy) her mouth (mow), nose (NOOOO), eyes (eyezz), ears (ewaz), hair (hwair), and belly (bwell). We're working on the other body parts.
- She can say "red", "geeeeen", "pwuple", and "boo" -- but doesn't quite get the concept of colors yet.
- She is still obsessed with her shoes (Sues) and socks (SSSSocks).
- She likes to point out trees (Tee!!), birds (burr), and flowers (Ffffowuh)...
- She has lots of animals noises -- she does a great horse, sheep, chicken, and dog
- Some days she says "Accum!" for vaccuum because she's terrified of it!
- She also knows all of her classmates' and teachers' names at school
- And, finally, she now says "Mama" and "Dada" regularly and means us! She also says "grahmma" and "guhpa"... if you listen closely
She's becoming a big girl in a lot of other ways, too. She graduated from her high chair to a booster chair. She knows how to turn the stereo on and off (and starts dancing before she ever hears the music). She's even starting to transition into the toddler room at day care.
Along with her new toddler status, she's been having toddler-size accidents. I think it's pretty normal for a 16-month-old, but she is coming home with accident reports all the time from school and does the craziest things at home, too. She runs into walls, trips on toys, knocks her head, etc. It's terrible when she has little bruises and scratches, but we know it is inevitable, because she really moves fast... and doesn't really look where she's going.
This weekend, Bea is going on her first overnight trip with Grandma Pat and Grandpa Steve in Princeton, while Matt and I go to Chicago for a wedding. I think Matt and I are looking forward to the sleep as much as the wedding! haha.
Hope you are well,
Monday, July 28, 2008
July has been busy, busy, busy!
Wow, have we been running around a lot in July. So many things have happened! Bea is now literally running around and her vocabulary is expanding every day. Her favorite word right now is "BABY!" -- usually in reference to her baby dolls, but also to point out the baby in any picture. Bea is also the proud owner of FOUR molars.
We had a nice Fourth of July. We spent the actual Fourth with my parents and then went to Matt's parents' cabin on the fifth. Bea got some lovely new shoes for the occasion. She was very impressed with them as you can see.
Here are some pics of the bathing beauty at the cabin with Grandma Pat before she tried the baby pool for the first time:
We spent the next few weeks preparing for a party we were throwing to kick off Matt's family reunion. We had about 40 people at our house, so we were cleaning like crazy. Thanks to Grandma Liz -- she saved our butts by helping us clean for two days even though she wasn't coming to the party! We did take a break from the cleaning on my birthday, when we went out to one of our favorite restaurants in downtown Minneapolis.
The reunion finally came and our party went off without a hitch. Then, we went to a resort in Northern Minnesota with all of Matt's aunts, uncles, cousins, and their kids from all over the country... and Grandma Hazel (the matriarch of them all)! We all stayed together in one giant cabin. Unfortunately, Bea saved up all the bad behavior she has never used in her life for the week we were up North. She discovered the tantrum, and boy, can she scream. She also classically pooped while she was in the bathtub with her cousin, Sadie. Nice.
We thought she was just overstimulated and out of her normal routine. We felt really bad when THREE MOLARS appeared within two days after the reunion. Sigh. Sorry Bea, a little Orajel probably would have gone a long way. We had fun with all the family anyway. Here are some pictures.

Here is Bea (far left, crying...) and most of her cousins from California and Massachusetts. As you can see the troops were a little restless at this point. Luke, a two-year-old California cousin, had already crawled off the scene.

Here's Bea at the reunion watching bubbles. (Stopped the screaming for a few minutes.)

This picture is of Bea's Uncle Mart and cousin, Sadie (Minnesota); Matt's cousin Eric and his son, Jackson (California); and Matt and Bea. Sadie is six months older then Bea, and Jackson had the same due date as Bea -- so the three of them had a lot of fun together.

Matt and I NEVER look good in pictures. So, since by some crazy luck we got two good ones on the same day, we thought we'd post them!
This is Matt and Bea in the lake at the reunion. She was quite afraid of the lake and the sand at first, but with help from Mom, Dad, Aunt Renee, Sadie, Grandma Pat, and Grandpa Steve -- she finally got into it.
Finally, just days after the reunion was over, our friends Chris and Deanna from Maryland came to visit. We had a nice Friday night out with them and went to the Star Wars exhibit at the Science Museum of Minnesota. We actually got to sit in the cockpit of the Millennium Falcon, but that pic is on Deanna's camera. Here are some other fun pics for anyone who happens to be a Star Wars geek like the four of us.
Matt & Chris with Luke Skywalker's Landspeeder
M & D with Friends from Endor.
We hope you are having a great summer!