So, Bea is now two, but if you ask her how old she is, she'll say "three." (She always does.) Bea has definitely entered the "terrible twos" stage and is quite talented with the tantrums, but other then that, she is tons of fun. Currently, she really likes to sing Happy Birthday (to whoever) and loves to play ring-around-the-rosie.
She talks so well now, here are some recent quotes:
-"Mommy, I wuv you." (Awwwww!)
-"The wind makes my hair so cold!"
-"Bullet, you're a good dog, big dog...I pet you. You need a hug?" (then tackles Bullet)
-When asked what happened at school one day: "Alayna threw rocks at Miles and she was in trooooooble. I ate beans."
-"Mommy has a big nose, Mommy has a big nose." (Matt told her to say that, nice.)
-When there were no geese in a pond near our house: "The geese went on vacation to Wisconsin to see Denise and Brian and Molly and Zoe." (Denise and Brian are friends of my parents, Molly and Zoe are their dogs...)
-When her daycare teacher asked her why she took another child's artwork off the wall: "Because I'm naughty"
Here we are at Bea's birthday party. Not a great picture of any of us, but we all have our eyes open, which is a rarity. This is before Mommy's big haircut.
Here's Bea reading one of her birthday cards. She has all of the greeting cards she's ever received in a bucket in her playroom, she takes them all out and looks and them periodically.
The birthday girl blowing out her candles. We didn't even practice this ahead, so I was really surprised that she did it. Bea's party was bunny themed, mostly because I call her "Beatrice Bunny" but also because Easter was a week later and the decorations could serve a dual purpose! I was pretty proud of the cake, which I made myself.
During the cake and ice cream, Bea and Sadie had a conversation that went something like...
Bea: Sadie, you need a bib.
Sadie: No, I don't need a bib. You're a baby. I'm a big girl.
Bea: Yes, you do, you're dirty.
Sadie: No, I'm not (wipes hand on shirt)
We got Bea this toddler fort/tent and it was the hit of the party. Bea and Sadie giggled in it for almost an hour. Some of the adults tried it, too.
Here's Bea coming out of the tent's tunnel.
Grandma Liz and Bea trying out the tent the day after Bea's birthday.
One week after Bea's birthday came Easter. I think Bea was beginning to think gifts were going to happen every day by the end of all the celebrations. Here are Bullet, Bea, and Matt at Grandma Liz and Grandpa Dick's on Easter morning.
Here is Bea showing off some of the jewelry the Easter bunny left for her at Grandma Liz's house. Bracelets, in particular, are some of Bea's favorite things. The Easter bunny left things at our house and both sets of Grandparents' houses. Bea was spoiled indeed.
Bea, Sadie, Grandma Pat, and Grandpa Steve at Pat and Steve's house in Princeton. They had a big egg hunt all over the enormous front yard.
Here's Bea in serious egg hunt mode. This was her fourth egg hunt in three days, so she was well prepared and very excited. She was running ahead of everyone saying in a creepy gremlin voice, "More eggs, more eggs, more eggs!". She was also covertly stealing eggs from Sadie. I guess she's a little competitive. I wonder where she gets that from?
Here is Bea in our front yard with a flowering shrub, we have all enjoyed getting out now that the weather is nicer!
Bea also got a fancy new swing set for her birthday (but it didn't come until a couple weeks later). Here we are just yesterday playing on it -- and there's my new haircut!
Hope you're having a great spring!
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