Hi All -- Sorry so long between posts. I just returned from a trip to New Jersey for my friend Kathleen's wedding. The wedding was absolutely lovely. I got to see many of my college friends and got to spend some time in New York City as well. It was in the 70s and sunny all the days we were there.
However, I did miss Bea, Matt, and Bullet. That's right -- I left Matt in charge of the whole bunch for three whole days. He recruited his parents (Grandma Pat and Bumpa) to help out. It sounds like much fun was had by all in my absence. I did pretty well on my first time away from Bea, I didn't cry or anything. :)
Bea is still not quite crawling or walking, but she is trying real hard. She really likes to walk holding onto your hands. She is also enjoying NOT wearing her winter jacket anymore! Hooray for spring.
Thanks to everyone who sent Bea birthday wishes!
Talk to you soon,
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