Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Day Care: The first week

Well, Bea has been in day care for four days. On the good side, she seems to like it there, doesn't cry when we leave her, and is usually smiling when we come to pick her up.

On the bad side, she is already sick! (Four days must be some kind of record.) She has a stomach virus. Symptoms include -- in clinical terms -- gas, poops, and barfing. Luckily, she has mostly just had gas. The doctor says she's handling it better then most of the other kids. So, 10 points for Bea's immune system... I guess.

Through everything, though, Bea always seems to be smiling. The day care people were laughing at how she threw up three times in five minutes, but was smiling right afterwards. When we take her to the doctor, she smiles at all the nurses and doctors -- even after she gets a shot.

I sure hope she stays that happy forever.


P.S. I have the stomach virus now, too.

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