Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Recent Pictures

Bea is getting so big and smart. You wouldn't believe it. She is 13 lbs 6 oz, and she is the proud owner of two bottom front teeth. Her new tricks include:
  • Seeing objects and grabbing them
  • Putting three or more fingers in her mouth at once
  • Saying two syllable words such as "Ah-goooooo"
  • Finding her toes with her hands
It's all very exciting.
In addition, we were recently kidnapped by the photo people at Babies 'R' Us - who were bored and offered us free photos. So, the posed picture is from there.


Anonymous said...

Hello Matt & Melissa,
She is getting so big and adorable can't wait to see her in person again.
Take Care
Carolyn(Fox River)

Anonymous said...

Hi Missy and Matt
She sure is a cutie, she seems to be growing so good. I can't wait to see her again.
Take care
Love Diane